Stigweard Productions is proud to present Living Water, a bioactive wildcrafted spring water from the remote mountains of Southern Oregon. Collected by hand from Pumpkin Gulch, a historic water source for miners and travelers. The spring emerges from the ground in a grove of old growth douglas fir, flows through the undergrowth of salal and sword fern, over mossy rocks and under fallen logs. Imbued with the microscropic life energy of a healthy forest and rich in the minerals of bedrock, Living water is a potent elixir. Eight one-gallon green glass jars were filled and carefully packed a mile back to the car. Six gallons are still available.*

*NOTE: this is a totally unfiltered, highly biological product and contains living microorganisms. As such it is not legally or culturally permissible to consume. to life!
I can't stop thinking about this water.
Mmmmmm...Good. As a lifelong imbiber of this water, from this spring, I can attest to it's unspoiled, unfiltered, pure goodness. One is hard pressed to find better and questions if better is to be had. I do think my brother is a little nutty for packing out all eight gallons of it...in glass jugs. For more on The Living Water, read the Gospel of John, Chapter 4. And for Pete's sake, don't drink Fiji! (see Mother Jones' article http://motherjones.com/politics/2009/09/fiji-spin-bottle). --A
Your brother? Does this water come from the deep-subsurface?
peter, not sure how deep it comes from. fifteen years ago they logged the upper part of the drainage that feeds Pumpkin Gulch. The cutting seemed to have no effect on the spring and the water flows at nearly the same volume year round.
The advertisement was so well written, at first I thought this was a commercial operation.
It's ironic how mainly the wealthy in this world buy into the bottled water craze. And yet it's largely through the creation of their wealth that the regular water became polluted in the first place.
Anyway, I'm glad to know it was just causal hikers enjoying nature's bounty.
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